I couldn’t find it in me to send out a newsletter last week. Because November sucks!!! 😬 Here’s a pic of the first snow, fresh from this (Monday) morning. 😩
This week’s newsletter, rather than being non-existent, will be short. Because it appears that November is out to get me.
Fall may be my favorite season, but it still kicks my ass every year. I have no energy, my cognitive issues just get worse. For those who know about Nanowrimo, this is the reason I don’t participate. Never again.
This being said, it doesn’t mean nothing ever got done. My proofreader has been going over my book, The Salvation of Judas, and I am set to receive the file back today (Sunday). I’m only hoping I’ll be able to work on these last edits this week.
Because the second I’m done, I’m sending everything to the team at Amazon so they can put the thing together (yeah, they offer that service, and I chose to pay for it).
My cover’s done, and once the manuscript is ready, I’m sending them everything. It’ll be another process that takes time, but I should be able to determine an actual publishing date for my book.
And once that’s done, I should have a pre-order date to share soon as well. The only thing I’m sure of is that the publishing date will be January 2023. Apparently, January is a good month for books to come out. Same with April.
Honestly, from now on, I would love for my books to come out in April. Preferably on my birthday. Because I’m a damn baby! 🤣
If you are not subscribed to the newsletter, you should know that next week’s should have another exclusive character interview (something I keep exclusive for subscribers). Not the main character, not yet. Maybe his childhood friend, Cameron, could be an interesting subject. Again, I really love him.
To be honest, I don’t think I hate any characters in that book (not the current and alive ones, I mean). But I do love some more than others.
There isn’t much more news to share today. So I’ll let you go. Please stay safe and have a marvelous week. I’ll see you again next Monday!
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